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PGA Pro Convinces His Sponsors To Give Away 1,000 “Golf Groove Sharpeners” To Improve Your Backspin Just Like The PGA Tour Professionals!

Get Our BRAND NEW Groove Sharpener + $90 Of Golf Gear Shipped Directly To Your Front Door…

Just Cover Shipping & Handling And

All Of This Is Yours!


  • First, you get the Regroove+, the world’s top golf groove sharpener that will extend the lifespan of your clubs, while helping you get as much backspin as PGA Pros! Fits any club and is USGA rules compliant
  • Second, you get the Golf Club Brush so you can clean your irons while on the fairway. You’ll make better contact with the ball which means more yardage, more back spin and better ball flight.
  • Third, you get the Premium Microfiber Golf Towel to keep your clubs clean and dry on the course. By removing moisture and dirt, you’ll ensure maximum spin, distance and accuracy.
  • Fourth, you get a 14 day FREE trial to the Private Members Academy which contains our full video library of coaching videos from our PGA certified coaches.
  • And much, much more!

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Today's Price

Your purchase is risk-free thanks to our 
60 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee

An URGENT Message For Golfers Who Want More Backspin On Their Wedges

This Secret Helped Me KICK 
My Boss' Son's A**

And It’s Now Being Featured In The World’s Top Golf Magazines…

And We’re Giving It Away For FREE!

“If You Want More Control & Accuracy With Your Irons
You Need To Read This”

“You’re cheating!”

Derek screamed at me… 

As we walked onto the green… 

And once again, my ball was sitting just 3-feet from the hole. 

“How the hell do you keep doing that!?” he yelled.

He was so angry, veins were popping out of his neck…

And I thought he was going to punch me!

You see, all day long, I’d been thumping Derek, winning hole after hole.

My iron and wedge play was on fire…

And I kept landing right on the green, close to the pin…

Setting up easy putts to win the hole. 

Derek Grew More Furious With Every Shot, As He Fell Further And Further Behind. 

And let me tell you…

I was loving every minute of it!

Because this was the first time I had ever beaten him! 

You see, I hate Derek.

We work in the same office, and he’s the boss's son.

And unfortunately, we always end up playing together on Sundays.

Derek’s a great player and breaks 80 every week.

His dad had him in private lessons since he was five years old… 

And No Matter How Much I Practiced, Or How Many Coaching Lessons I Took, I Could Never Beat Him. 

Which was infuriating because Derek was a real jerk.

He’d talk smack the entire round… 

Take phone calls during my shot… 

And rub his victory in my face all week long.

This had gone on for years… 

But today, the tables had turned and I was finally getting revenge!

And it was all thanks to something I learned from a legendary golf coach. 

A brilliant man from Australia, who:

You see, I had a lesson with this world-class golf coach… 

And during that lesson, he shared something with me that completely transformed my short game (and will transform your game too!).

He pulled back the curtain and explained…  

The Dirty Little Secret Of How PGA Tour Professionals Get So Much Backspin On Their Wedges. 

When he explained this secret to me, I was in shock…

Because I couldn’t believe it was so easy!

And when I tried it for myself, the results were immediate.

Before, I was always anxious around the greens…

Because I struggled to land the ball where I wanted.

I’d often end up in the bunker…

Or 30 feet feet away from the hole, praying that I wouldn’t 3-putt. 

But Now, I Can Practically Hit A Dime From 100 Yards Away… 

And I consistently land the ball within 6-feet of the hole…

Setting up easy putts for birdie and par. 

And that’s just the beginning!


After making this one simple shift… 

I Shot Under 80 For The First Time In My Life! 

And more importantly, I was finally able to beat Derek.

I outplayed him on every hole.

By the time we got to the 12th hole, I was already 5 up… 

And with a cheeky smile, I asked Derek if he wanted to quit now, or continue getting his butt kicked…

Which only made him even more mad. 

By the end of the round, he was so embarrassed that he got in his car and stormed off… 

And we never played together again. 

And I Owe It All To The One Incredible Secret I Learned From This Revolutionary, Australian Golf Coach. 

But, here’s the crazy part.

The secret has nothing to do with technique…  

(I didn’t change my swing at all).

It had nothing to do with being young and athletic…

(I’m 60 years old, retired and have a bad back).

And it didn’t require buying a new set of fancy golf clubs…

(I play with the same old irons I’ve had for years).

Instead, what he showed me was a simple way…

To significantly increase how much backspin you produce…

Using the exact same method that the top PGA Pro’s use!

This means you can get closer to the pin…

Which makes it easier to sink those putts for birdies and pars.

But that’s not all!...

It’ll also help you to:

This Strategy Has Been Featured By The World’s Top Golf Magazines Including Golf Digest, Golf Week & Golf News. 

And it doesn’t matter what kind of golf club you use.

This strategy works with golf clubs from all brands…

Including all leading irons, sand wedges, lob wedges and approach wedges. 

This is something that every golfer needs to know about…

Because not only will it knock 7+ strokes off every round you play.

But it will also save you thousands of dollars on new golf clubs…

As it massively extends the lifespan of your clubs.

Remember, this is something used by all the top PGA Tour Professionals…

And is 100% compliant with R&A and USGA rules.

In a moment, I’m going to pull back the curtain and reveal exactly what this secret weapon is. But first, let me quickly introduce myself. 

My Name Is Ted Williams. I’m A 60-Year-old Grandad From Michigan. 

And frankly, I’ve always been an average player at best.

Even though I read all the books…

Watched all the DVD’s…

And took weekly lessons with PGA certified coaches…

I still couldn’t shoot below 85.

However, that all changed several years ago…

When I met a golfing genius from Australia.

Who, back in the day, was one of the top golfers in the world. 

He Won Over 20 PGA-Australia Tour Events… 

Was friends with legends of the game like Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan, Vijay Singh and Greg Norman.

And is a former PGA Teacher of the year.

He completely changed the way golf was taught…

By creating a one-of-a-kind system that quickly helped golfers add 50+ yards to their drives, tee shots and irons.

It was so effective, that it was featured in every major golf magazine in the world…

Including the cover of Golf Digest. 

Luckily for me, I had the opportunity to work with him…

And it completely changed my game.

I added 70+ yards to my drive…

Was hitting my irons right down the center of the fairway…

And I was draining putts from all over the green.

This lowered my score dramatically…

But I still had one achilles heel in my game…  

And that was my wedge play.

My chipping and pitching weren’t good enough…

And I wasn’t able to hit the green from 100 yards out.

I knew I had to fix this if I ever wanted to beat Derek.

So I asked him for help… 

And What He Said Next Completely Changed The Way I Think About Golf.

You see, he explained that the golden key to wedge play…

Is being able to put an enormous amount of backspin on the ball.

The more backspin you can put on the ball…

The more control and accuracy you’ll have with your shots.

This means you can land on the green, close to the flag…

Setting up an easy putt for birdie or par.

So naturally, I asked him how to tweak my swing to put more backspin on the ball…

But his response surprised me. 

He Said That Getting Extreme Amounts Of Backspin On The Ball Has Little To Do With Technique… 

And Everything To Do With The Grooves On Your Wedge. 

You see, backspin is created when the grooves on your wedge connect with the ball. 

And here’s the key:

The Sharper Your Grooves, The More Backspin You’ll Get. 

When you’re using a brand-new golf club…  

The grooves are nice and sharp...

This makes it effortless to generate lots of backspin.

But as your clubs get older, the grooves get dull and begin to wear down…

Which means they don’t produce as much backspin.

Without this backspin, your approach shots won’t land close enough to the green…

And you’ll have to try and make long, difficult putts to hold par.

In other words, if you want to improve your wedge and iron play…

You need to put lots of backspin on the ball.

And the key to doing this, is to ensure the grooves on your golf club are razor sharp.

On the other hand, if your grooves are dull…

You can have the perfect technique, and you still won’t get the backspin you require. 

I began to think about my own golf clubs.

While I upgraded my driver a year ago…

I’ve been playing with the same irons and wedges for years.

The grooves were completely worn down…

So it’s no wonder my shots were going all over the place.

But then, my heart started racing…

Because I thought I would need to buy a whole new set of golf clubs.

This wasn’t an option for me.

Money was tight as I had four kids going through college…

And I knew my wife would kill me if I dropped $1,000 on brand-new clubs.

She was already mad about how much money I spent on golf.

But he explained that wasn’t necessary.

Instead, there’s a much better way. 

A Method Used By All The Top PGA Tour Professionals… 

Yet Because Of Their Sponsorship Deals, None Of Them Ever Talk About It In Public.

He  reached into his bag and pulled out a small tool…

That looked like this.

And he explained that this was a golf groove sharpener.

You run it gently over your irons…

And it restores the grooves back to how they were when you first bought the clubs. 

I knew I had to give this groove sharpener a try…

So that night, once my wife and kids had gone to bed…

I sneaked downstairs into my garage and pulled out my clubs.

I placed the sharpener in the groove…

Ran it across two or three times…

And that was it!

It literally took seconds per club…

And within minutes, I had sharpened every iron in my bag.

My clubs looked brand-new

And I Was So Excited To Get Back On The Course And How Much This Would Improve My Game. 

A few days later, I arrived at the club for the Sunday tournament…

And Derek was already there, giving someone unwarranted advice on their putting.

When he saw me, he immediately started the smack talk for the day

I said nothing…

And prayed that my newly sharpened clubs would make a difference.

We got onto the first hole…

And we both hit our drives to about 80-yards from the pin.

“The perfect opportunity to test out my new irons” I thought.

Derek went first (as usual) and ended up in the bunker, just to the right of the green.

I knew I could do better than that…

So I stepped up to hit my shot, aimed right for the pin and swung. 

As Soon As I Made Contact With The Ball, My Wedge Felt Brand New. 

The contact was so crisp… 

And the ball soared through the air. 

However, my heart sank as it looked like I’d hit the ball way too hard. 

Normally, when I’d hit a shot like this, the ball would bounce off the green, into the rough behind. 

But this shot was completely different. 

The ball landed about 10 yards behind the pin… 

But instead of bouncing off the green… 

The backspin kicked in… 

And the ball started rolling back towards the flag, stopping 4-feet from the hole. 

I couldn’t believe it! 

I’d never hit a shot like that in my life.

I looked over at Derek and his jaw had dropped. 

“Beginners luck” he shouted as he stormed off to hit his bunker shot. 

I sank that putt to win the hole… 

And things just got better from there. 

While Derek was able to outdrive me on almost every hole… 

It didn’t matter.

I was getting so much distance with my irons… 

And hitting the green with my wedges… 

That I was winning hole after hole! 

It Was The Best Round Of Golf In My Life. 

And I knew that this groove sharpener was something very special.

Several years ago, I retired from the corporate world…

And decided to pursue my passion of becoming a golf coach.

So I got my PGA-certification…

And began coaching students here in Michigan.

Right away, I noticed that many of my students had the exact same problem with their wedges that I had had.

They couldn’t get enough backspin on the ball…

Because the grooves on their clubs were worn out.

It was even happening to players with relatively new clubs.

I wanted to help…

So I began searching for the highest quality golf sharpener I could find.

But unfortunately, I couldn’t find any that I could recommend in good faith to my students.

I quickly learned that the golf club companies have no interest in promoting groover sharpeners…

Because that means people will stop replacing their clubs every year!

So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I teamed up with the great folks here at MyGolfingStore.com…

And told them we needed to produce a golf groove sharpener of our own. 

A Sharpener That Was As High-Quality As Those Used By The Top PGA Professionals!

So we had many meetings with manufacturers… 

Searching for someone who could produce a blue ribbon groove sharpener… 

That is made from stainless steel… 

And would allow you to keep your clubs in great condition for years. 

It took a long time… 

And we almost gave up at certain points… 

Because it didn’t seem like anyone could produce a sharpener up to our very high standards. 

But we stayed patient, because we knew this has the potential to transform the short game for millions of golfers around the world. 

And thank God we did… 

Because after investing a huge amount of time, money and energy… 

We finally found a groove sharpener that I can recommend to all my students. 

It’s called… 

Regroove +
The World’s Top Golf Groove Sharpener To Improve Your Backspin Just Like The PGA Tour Professionals!

The Regroove+ is my secret weapon… 

To rapidly improve your short game and wedge play… 

So you can get more pars, birdies and even an eagle every now and again! 

It’s one of the top selling products here at MyGolfingStore.com


Here’s Exactly How It Works… 

Insert the edge of the Regroove+ into the grooves of your irons and wedges… |

And gently run it backwards and forwards a few times.

You’ll notice that with very little effort, the grooves in your golf club will be significantly sharper…

Which will allow you to get much more backspin on every shot you hit.

Not only does it sharpen your clubs…

But it also removes the minerals, particles of dirt, sand and grit…

Which build up inside your golf club over time…

And that you simply can’t reach with your average golf brush.

The Regroove+ is 100% compliant with R&A and USGA rules…

And does not cause any harm to your golf clubs.

Plus, it works with golf clubs from all brands…

Including all leading irons, sand wedges, lob wedges and approach wedges. 

3 Reasons You’ll Love The ReGroove+

Comfortable To Use
Built with a 4” aluminum handle and non-slip grip

Fantastic results on both V and U (square) grooves.
Works On All Standard Wedges Along With Irons, Hybrids, And Woods.

Made from A–2 heat-treated tool steel
Create new grooves in your club without losing it`s cutting edge.

Now, you may be wondering how you can get your hands on one of these training aids for yourself…

Well, here’s the best part:

You Can “Test Drive” It, Completely FREE!

That’s right… 

I’m going to send you a Regroove+

But that’s not all

You’ll Also Get Three Very Special Bonuses… 100% Free! 

My goal is to ensure you have absolutely everything you need… 

To get the most out of your golf clubs. 

So that you can play the best golf of your entire life… 

And take 5-10 strokes off of your handicap. 

Because you’ll get so much extra spin on your irons and wedges. 

That’s why I’m not only going to send you the Regroove+ today… 

But I’m also going to include three very special bonuses… 

Completely free! 

Let me show you what they are.

FREE Bonus 1: Golf Club Brush So You Can Clean Your Irons On The Fairway.

Aside from your grooves not being sharp enough…

Another huge problem facing golfers is getting dirt in your clubs.

For example, when you take a big divot, lots of mud can get into your club…

Which means there’s less friction between the ball and the club…

And you’ll produce significantly less spin, accuracy and power.

Since so many of my students suffer from this problem, I’m going to throw in a FREE golf club cleaning brush with your order today.

You can use this club on the fairway to keep your irons clean…

And therefore, improve the connection you make with the ball.

So you can get started right away!

The Golf Club Cleaning Brush is 100% free of charge.

And that’s not all.

You’re also going to get:

FREE Bonus #2: Premium Microfiber Golf Towel To Keep Your Clubs Clean & Dry

Another problem that plagues golfers of all levels…

Is when you’re playing on a wet, windy day.

You see, if you want to get maximum distance and spin from your golf club…

It’s essential that your club face is dry.

Otherwise, that moisture will get in the way of the club…

Lowering your spin and accuracy.

Luckily, this problem is very easy to solve.

When you order today, I’m going to send you a premium microfiber golf towel…

So you can keep your irons clean and dry during the round.

Simply attach the towel to your bag.

And not only will it look fantastic, but you can use it to wipe your clubs down in between shots…

So you can get maximum power, even on the wettest day. 

Special Limited Time Bonus! 
FREE 14-day Trial To The Private Members Academy!

The final special bonus I have for you today…

Is a FREE 14-day trial to our Private Members Academy!

The Private Members Academy is our full-blown video masterclass…

Where our certified PGA instructors will coach you through every part of the game.

Showing you in high-definition, exactly how to hit every shot …

The top practice exercises you can do to improve…

With new video content uploaded every single week.

The Private Members Academy is one of the top golf coaching resources on the entire internet.

All to help you slash strokes from your score…

And become a much more consistent golfer.

We are 100% confident that we will make you a better golfer!

After the FREE 14-day trial, you will be billed at $49.95/month for continued access.

Inside the Private Members Club, you’ll discover:

Plus, you’ll get access to “Swing Analysis”.

Swing Analysis is where you can send in a video of your swing...

And one of our certified instructors will reply with detailed feedback to help you improve!

The best part is:

You get all of this for less than the cost of a single private lesson!

You won’t find anything like this, anywhere else on the internet. 

So How Much Does All Of This Cost?

As you can see, this offer is unmatched in its value and ability to transform your game.

And you’re probably wondering how much it costs.

Well, let me tell you.

If you were to buy the Regroove+, along with the three bonuses individually, it would cost you a whopping $126.80.

And even at that price, it would be a real bargain.

After all, like me, you probably spend hundreds of dollars per year on golf clubs, equipment and for your club membership.

Well, I have good news for you.

You’re not going to pay anywhere near $127 today.

In fact, you’re not going to pay $99.




Or even $29.


Just Pay $9.95 For Shipping & Handling… 

That’s right…

All of this incredible equipment, bonuses and video coaching…

Is yours today when you sign up.

All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping.

Which is $9.95 for anyone in the United States.

And $19.95 for international.

If after 14 days, you decide you’d like to stay in the Private Members Academy…

Then you’ll be billed $49.95/month every 30 days.

And you can cancel at any time.

I’m sure you’ll agree this is an extremely generous offer.

And if you want to get started, just click on the “Add to Cart” button below and you can immediately place your order. 

Regular Price

Today's Price

Claim your “Regroove+” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $49.95/month (cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7 strokes off your game.

Here’s Why This Decision Should Be Really Easy To Make… 

Every Order Comes With My 60-Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee. 

Let me tell you about my special… 


Improve Your Wedge Play Or Get Your Money Back Guarantee.

Here’s how it works:

When you request your Regroove+ today

As well as the three FREE bonuses...

You have a full 60 days to try it out.

If by the end of 60 days, you aren’t getting significantly more backspin on your wedges, as well as much more accuracy and control with your irons…

Then just let us know and you’ll receive a prompt and polite refund.

Just send us a message here at info@mygolfingstore.com or call us at 844-355-6994 and we’ll refund your entire purchase price.

No questions asked.

And here’s the best part:

You can even keep your golf gear.

Don’t worry about sending it back to us.

It’s yours to keep, just as a thank you for giving us a try.

You can’t find a more generous guarantee in all of golf. There is literally ZERO risk.

Once again, if you’re at all unsatisfied, please contact us at info@mygolfingstore.com and we will be happy to help in any way possible!

This Will Work For You… 
No Matter How Old You Are
Or How Little Time You Have To Practice!

Even If You’re In Your 40s, 50s or 60s…

The Regroove+ is perfect for older players as it allows you to get more distance and control, without relying on strength. This way, your irons, pitches and chips will be much more accurate and efficient, without you having to hit the ball harder.

Even If You’re Very Busy And Don’t Have Any Free Time…

It takes just a few minutes to use the Regroove+ on all your irons and wedges. Meaning you can increase your spin and accuracy in as little as five minutes. It’s the closest thing to instant improvement I’ve ever seen!

Even If You Haven’t Been Playing Very Long…

If you’re a new player, this is the best way to perfect your technique from the start. When you play with unsharpened clubs, it can lead to bad technique. So I recommend all new players use this from the beginning.

Even If You’ve Been Playing For Years And Are Already Really Good…

No matter how good you are, the “Precision Putt Training Aid” will point out your bad habits and help you improve them. So you can sink more putts than ever before. In fact, my advanced students often benefit the most from the tool.

Here’s What Other People Have To Say About The “Power Swing” Training Aid… 

WOW... Just WOW... Use this on your 52 and 60-degree wedges. Then sharpen up your 9 iron and sand wedge. The backspin you are going to see and the stopping power, as a result, will blow your mind. I hit a wedge that had the ball spin back past the flag and my foursome was shaking in their shoes... Good Times

Brent Philip

The tool works exceptionally well. Very glad I made the choice to try this out. I have had my Pings for a significant number of years. Was regripping and decided to add this for the spring renewal. Glad I did, a number of years ago I had attempted to do just this with some cutting tools from a lathe.


“Being a senior golfer I very much appreciate My Golfing Store with its generous attitude encouraging golfers to continue improving their game irrespective of age and level of performance. Highly recommended!”

Sam T.

This thing works almost too good! I ran this like 10 times through each groove of my spin milled 56 degree Vokey and man did it do its job. My buddy I played with the day after I used this tool was standing on the green and watched my ball check up on a 30 yard pitch and said, "you might have to start playing a ball with less spin, that is unreal". So yeah, buy with confidence but maybe run it a couple times through your grooves instead of 10!

Shawn O.

I used this on my old lob wedge, sand wedge, gap wedge and pitching wedge the other night. I played a round yesterday and I getting amazing spin on the ball. Wedges were spinning back like when they were new. A hint, I used Truetap Cutting Fluid to lubricate the grooves and it worked amazingly well. I highly recommend this tool.

Dave D.

"I've had my golf clubs for years and didn't understand the importance until a friend of mine told me about these. I also didn't realize how much quality counts until I went through some of the 'cheaper' golf club sharpeners which would break or wear out way fast.


Wow! This thing really works. My favorite but very old sand wedge has a new lease on life. Back to controlling distance like it did when new. I could actually spin the ball and stop it quickly. Thanks

Nick E.

It works great! Improved my score by several strokes!

Marcie F.

Amazed how nicked up the grooves on my irons were. This tool was very effective in cleaning, smoothing and sharpening them. Haven't used them yet, but they have to perform better. Also, this tool is very easy to use.

Mitch A.

“Every experience I have had with “mygolfingstore.com” has been very informative, professional and courteous. They are more than happy to answer any questions you may have as well which made me feel better about shopping on this website.

Scott V.

An excellent product to help restore your worn out irons. It was everything that was promised. Easy to use and my wedges look like new. I tried them out on the golf course this past week and there is definitely a difference as to how quickly the ball now stops on the green.

Hugh D.

As someone who takes care in maintaining his clubs, I found this product to be very useful for cleaning the grooves and sharpening the edges. I've used other tools before that are not robust in terms of their ability to get into the nooks of the grooves, but this product is able to do so. It is small and compact and easy to use -- plus it is good value.

Allan. F

After using this on my wedges I felt as though I could feel the club grabbing the ball and give more control! This is great for very little money, get one!

Ben. M

Here’s How To Get All This Golf Gear 
Sent Directly To Your Front Door… 

On this page, you’ll see a number of “Add To Cart” buttons.

Click on one of those buttons and you’ll be taken to our secure, encrypted order form.

On that order form, you’ll be asked for your shipping and billing information.

Take 60 seconds to fill in your details…

And that’s it…

You’re good to go!

We’ll get your training tool into the mail within one business day…

And it should be at your doorstep within the next three business days!

Let me remind you of everything you get when you order today.

All for one simple payment of $9.95 to cover shipping and handling.

So, go ahead. Click on the “Add To Cart” order button below and let’s get started!

Regular Price

Today's Price

Claim your “Regroove+” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $49.95/month (cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7 strokes off your game.

Now, before you place your order…

I have one final message for you. 

The Way I See It, You’ve Got Three Options… 

Option 1: Do nothing. 

Ignore everything you’ve just read and do nothing. 

Continue being frustrated on the golf course… 

And pray that somehow your game will improve.

Option 2: Try and figure it out on your own. 

Spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars…

Working with a top PGA-qualified coach.

After months, or maybe even years… 

Finally, learn how to get as much backspin on your wedges as the top PGA professionals.  

Or there’s the third option. The smart option. The intelligent option.

Option 3: Try the Regroove+ today.

Click the link below and sign up for your Regroove+. 

… Along with the bonus golf cleaning brush, premium microfiber towel and 14-day membership to the Private Members Academy.

It’s all yours today. 

Just pay $9.95 to cover the shipping and you can get started ASAP. 

It’s a no-brainer, right?

To get started, just click on the “Add To Cart” button below… 

Take 60 seconds to enter your shipping information… 

And we’ll get your Regroove+ 

(along with your other bonuses)...

Into the mail within one business day. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Go ahead, click the button below and let’s get started. 

Regular Price

Today's Price

Claim your “Regroove+” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $49.95/month (cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7 strokes off your game.

P.P.S. Remember, with our 60 day money back guarantee… 

There is ZERO risk when you order today. 

Try out the Regroove+ for 60 days, and if you don’t significantly improve your short game, then just let us know for a full refund. 

No questions asked. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do I get when I order today?

First, you’ll receive the Regroove+...

The world’s top golf groove sharpener to help you improve your backspin like the PGA Pro’s…

While significantly increasing the lifespan of your clubs.

Second, you’ll receive the Golf Club Brush so you can clean your irons while on the fairway.

You’ll make better contact with the ball which means more yardage, more back spin and better ball flight.

Third, you’ll receive the Premium Microfiber Golf Towel so you can keep your clubs clean and dry on the course.

By removing moisture and dirt, you’ll ensure maximum spin, distance and accuracy.

And finally, you’ll receive a free 14-day membership to the private members video coaching academy.

This is an incredibly generous offer, guaranteed to help you improve your golf game.

But be sure to secure your order today! Because I’m not sure how long this page will stay online.

Q: How do you use it?

The Regroove+ comes with a complete set of instructions and is very easy to use.

Simply place the edge of the Regroove+ into the grooves of your club and gently run it across.

In just a few minutes, you’ll have sharpened every club in your bag. 

Q: How long will it take to arrive?

You should receive your Regroove+, along with the golf club brush and the premium microfiber towel within 3 business days.

But you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the video masterclass programs…

And immediate access to the private members area.

Regular Price

Today's Price

Claim your “Regroove+” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $49.95/month (cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7 strokes off your game.

Q: Who is this for?

This special offer is for anyone who wants to:

  • Add an extra 30+ yards of distance to all your irons.
  • Spin the ball back on the green, so your approach shots land within 6-feet of the pin. 
  • Get out of sand traps with ease. 
  • Improve your distance control.
  • Pitch over bunkers and water hazards with ease. 
  • And perfect your chip shots.

Q: How long will it last?

A Lifetime.

The Regroove+ is made from A – 2 heat-treated tool steel & hardened to 64 on the Rockwell scale.

This means your Regroove+ will last you forever, unlike other knockoffs on the market.

And if your Regroove+ ever does have any issues, simply email us and we’ll send you a new one. 

Regular Price

Today's Price

Claim your “Regroove+” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $49.95/month (cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7 strokes off your game.

Q: Is it legal to use a golf sharpener on my clubs?

Yes. The Regroove+ is 100% compliant with R&A and USGA regulations.

Q: Remind me how the money back guarantee works?

If you don’t dramatically improve your wedge play in the next 60 days…

Then let us know for a full and prompt refund. No questions asked.

Plus, we’ll even let you keep all the gear. No need to send it back.

This is how seriously we take customer satisfaction and your success in golf. 

Q: How do I get started?

That’s the best part!

All you need to do is click the button below, and you’ll be taken to our secure order form.

From there, take 60-seconds to enter your shipping information…

And we’ll send it right to your door in the next 3 days!

So, go ahead, click the button below and let’s get started.

Regular Price

Today's Price

Claim your “Regroove+” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $49.95/month (cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7 strokes off your game.